
Advanced Adult CPR Training Manikin With Monitor And Printer


Simulating standard open airway External breast compression
Display device and alarm device Indicator light display of correct and
wrong compression
Alarm of wrong compression Intensity display of correct (at least 5 cm)
and wrong (5 cm>) compression
Alarm of wrong compression Artificial respiration (inhalation)
Display device and alarm device Inhalation <500-600 ml or >600 ml, wrong indicator light display and
alarm prompting Inhalation between 500-600 ml right indicator light display
Indicator light display open airway Inhalation too quickly or too much result in air entering into
stomach, indicator light display and alarm prompting Ratio of compression and artificial respiration
302 (one or two person)
Operating cycle One cycle includes five times of 302 ratio of compression and artificial respiration
Operation frequency At least 100 times per minute
Operation methods Exercise operation Examination of pupil response
Myriads and myosis Examination of carotid response Pinch the pressure ball by hand and simulate
carotid pulse

Additional information

Dimensions 96 × 34 × 57 cm