
Ear Anatomical Models


Mainly displaying the auricle, external auditory canal, tympanic chamber, tympanic membrane, auditory ossicles, and inner ear 1. The external auditory canal is divided into cartilaginous and bony parts, with the cartilaginous part located outside, accounting for 1/3 of the total length. The anterior wall, inferior wall, and posterior wall of the bone are mostly composed of the tympanic part of the temporal bone.,
The middle ear includes four parts: the tympanic chamber, the eustachiantube, the tympanic sinus, and the mastoid process. 2. The auditory ossicles, including the malleus, drilling bone, and stapes, form the ossicularchain.
The inner ear, also known as the labyrinth, is located within the petrous part of the temporal bone. There is a bone shell called the bone labyrinth on the outside, and a membranous labyrinth on the inside.
The inner ear canal is composed of the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircularcanal. The membranous labyrinth is located within the bone labyrinth and is not shown in the model
(1). Thecochlea resembles a snail shell and is a spiral like bone canal, with the base of the cochlea facing the inner auditory canal. (2). Vestibule: Oval shaped, located in the middle of the bony labyrinth, anterior to the cochlea and posterior to three semicircularcanals. The outer wall of the vestibule is a part of the lateral wall of the tympanic chamber, with vestibular and cochlear windows.
(3). Semicircularcanal: Three mutually perpendicular semicircularbone canals, divided into outer (horizontal) semicircularcanal, upper semicircularcanal, and posterior semicircularcanal according to their location.
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