
XFT120C AED Trainer


The XFT-120C is a high-quality, user-friendly and robust training device thatprovides a realistic experience of using an AED for learners. It is designed toeffectively train emergency responders in the use of an automated externaldefibrillator (AED). Where it differs from many models on the market is that
it provides a total of 10 pre-programmed scenarios to help respondersbecome familiar with an AED, as well as allowing them to demonstrate thebasic skills necessary to use an AED in an emergency. Features of the productinclude: voice instructions for preconfigured scenarios that simulate realisticcardiac arrest situations remote control function five pairs of training pads(adult and paediatric pads) convenient to update the programme in theinstance that safety guidelines change

Additional information

Dimensions 28 × 23 × 10 cm